The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162810   Message #3877586
Posted By: ranger1
19-Sep-17 - 01:54 AM
Thread Name: Getaway '17 - the aftermath
Subject: RE: Getaway '17 - the aftermath
Lovely weekend, followed by discovering that I was in an airport terminal version of "Charlie on the MTA". I am 1) officially sick and tired of BWI (when the janitorial staff starts greeting you by your first name when you walk into the restroom, you've been there too long), and 2) Hate Logan airport with a passion usually reserved for stepping in dog poo.

I am now home, after many travel adventures, none of which involved actually flying into Logan Airport, the airport that was supposed to be my destination. The saga is on Facebook. Going to go collapse now.

Better memories will be posted when I recover from my trip to the ninth circle of hell.