The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1215   Message #3878
Posted By: rich r
05-Apr-97 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: Through Children's Eyes
Subject: ADD: HEY JIMMY JOE JOHN JIM JACK (Children's Eyes
Well I actually found a photo copy of the lyric sheet. Here is the song.

(Livingston & Evans)

There once was a tiger, tiny little tiger
Playing with his tiger toys
But his nursemaid made him so afraid
He didn't dare make a noise.
What happened to the tiger, tiny little tiger
Who never learned to roar
He's just a mat, stretched out flat
On somebody's bedroom floor.

What we're saying is:
Hey Jimmy Joe John Jim Jack
Even little tigers lose their knack
When somebody twice their size
Can't see the world through children's eyes

There once was a beagle, happy little beagle
Following his tail around
But his mother said "Go straight to bed,
And don't make a single sound"
What happened to the beagle, happy little beagle
Who never learned to bay -
Some burglars came, and to his shame
He turned tail and ran away

What we're saying is:
Hey Jimmy Joe John Jim Jack
Even little beagles lose their knack
When somebody twice their size
Can't see the world through children's eyes

There once was a bunny, fluffy little bunny
Through the piney woods he'd roam
But his father cried "Come back inside
A bunny belongs at home."
What happened to the bunny, fluffy little bunny
Who never learned to hop
Because the bunny couldn't hop
He hangs in the butcher shop

What we're saying is:
Hey Jimmy Joe John Jim Jack
Even little bunnies lose their knack
When somebody twice their size
Can't see the world through children's eyes

Don't do this, don't do that,
You might as well be a statue
That's how children lose their spark
But if grownups would take part in
Things that children have their heart in,
We'd never end up hiding in the dark.

What we're saying is:
Hey Jimmy Joe John Jim Jack*
When you have your own kids let them know
Even though you're twice their size
You see the world through children's eyes


I guess the thematic companion to this song would be Harry Chapin's "Flowers Are Red".

rich r