The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162855   Message #3879302
Posted By: David Carter (UK)
29-Sep-17 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
Teribus, I think you misunderstand the situation in Spain. I havn't lived in Spain for the best part of 25 years, and then it was in Canarias, not Catalonia. But I do understand that the autonomy of autonomous regions is very precious to people, and there are deep historical reasons for this, related to divides which have not fully healed since the civil war. But the way I see it the Catalan people don't have any problem with the EU, their problem is with Rajoy. And Rajoy is from the PP, and the PP are, however sanitised, the heirs to Franco, who was really hated in Catalonia (not so much in Canarias I hasten to add). Catalan people, like pretty much all Spanish people, are happy with the EU, and extremely happy with the Euro since their savings are not being incessantly devalued as the were when they were in pesetas. Plus Catalonia (and Canarias) have benefited enormously from ERDF.