The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162550   Message #3880096
Posted By: GUEST,Stevebury
03-Oct-17 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Madam, I Have Come To Court You
Subject: RE: Origins: Madam, I Have Come To Court You
(1) Roud lists "The Quqker's Wooing" or "the Quaker's Courtship" under Roud # 716 (in addition to the listings cited under R # 146 and R # 542). I don't know whether this adds to the already impressive accumulations of versions in this thread.

(2) Let me add one correction, and some background, to the August 2nd post about the Allen family "Family Songs". This collection of twelve songs is not a manuscript, but a published booklet with twelve songs (with tunes!) from the Allen family. It was privately published by the family in 1899. At family reunions, the older members of the family knew and sang the traditional family songs. But, as explained in the introduction, "it is to be regretted that the later generations do not know them as well; and on that account, the compiler has undertaken this little book."

The collection was reprinted in 1976 by the Newton [MA] Bicentennial Committee, The Jackson Homestead [which owns a copy], and the Newton Recreation Department, with an introduction and notes by Tony Saletan. I am working with Historic Newton on issuing a new reprint of this collection.
