The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162885   Message #3880184
Posted By: beardedbruce
04-Oct-17 - 08:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Las Vegas - 59 dead so far
Subject: RE: BS: Las Vegas - 59 dead so far

I posted earlier:

from Iain's clicky:
" Scotland has about 75,000 licensed firearms and shotguns. England and Wales even more, with about 1.8 million in circulation. And these guns have impact."

so, UK 1,875.000 firearms, 30 homicides by guns 0.000016 killed per gun
USA 300,000,000+ firearms 5100 homicides by guns <0.000017 killed per gun


The number of people murdered PER GUN in the UK is not much different from the number per gun murdered in the US.

So, the people in the UK are not so different- they just have less access to guns, so they move to other means to kill people.

Here in the US, the preferred means of suicide, when guns are not available, seems to be deliberate car accidents: A lot more dangerous to the rest of society. How many innocents are killed on the road each year?


You state:"Here in the UK, as Acorn says, gun-licensing is very strictly controlled, and the use to which a gun can be put is very limited. So there are comparatively few guns held by civilians, compared to the US."

Yet there are just about as many murders PER GUN in the UK as in the USA- So obviously all that careful vetting of gun owners has no effect.