The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162885   Message #3880740
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
06-Oct-17 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Las Vegas - 59 dead so far
Subject: RE: BS: Las Vegas - 59 dead so far
I'd say one of the main problems in the last decade has been the plethora of Cable channel documentaries and reality soaps making semi auto machine rifles look as sexy and desirable as they can...

I'm as guilty as anyone for enjoying my weekly fix of "Sons of Guns" for all the adrenaline rush speaker rattling gunfire and explosions...

But companies like Red Jacket made military style semi autos to appeal to the pockets of 'regular guys' who wanted the latest and best TV endorsed status symbol guns to show off to their drinking buddies,
and make as much recreational mayhem as possible blasting melons and water buckets etc
out in the back yards and woods....

Loud fast assault rifles to shoot up the cardboard cut outs of bin laden with a truck full of 6 pack beers...

Fun.. but stupidly socially irresponsible, and potentially deadly in the wrong hands

Like getting the loudest Marshall amp and Les Paul to rock out the neighbourhood from your garage...

or a mad customised harley, or muscle car..

Big brash toys for macho knucleheads.... ??