The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162855   Message #3881871
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
12-Oct-17 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
From: Steve Shaw - PM
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 11:37 AM
No-one is trying to “obstruct the process.” It is perfectly legitimate, as issues arise and problems develop, to put the case for a change of direction. That is not the opposite of democracy. That is real democracy. What is fascistic is any attempt to silence people who disagree with our leaving the EU. By calling us fascists you are attacking our right to free speech.

So, no one should speak out strongly against those who voted to remain, but are trying to overturn a democratic vote . . .

From: Steve Shaw - PM
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 04:41 PM
. . . Remain voters in general would not have accepted all the bullshit we were peddled about foreigners taking our jobs and houses and cluttering up our public services, otherwise they wouldn't have voted remain. Many leave voters, on the other hand, would have swallowed those lies hook, line and sinker. Not all of them. I'm sure there were a few thinking leave voters. They weren't thinking straight, but let's cut them some slack and just say they were genuine but seriously misguided.

But anyone who voted to leave was either racist, or seriously misguided.

It's interesting to juxtapose two of Steve's posts to see just how one-sided he can be.