The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30160   Message #388361
Posted By: kimmers
02-Feb-01 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwacked -- THREE!
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwacked -- THREE!
Ah, the old discussion about working parents and lifestyles...

To work or not as a parent is a pretty personal choice, and it depends on the situation, the parent, the kids, and the childcare options. Generalizing about this is pretty unfair. Frankly, I see far fewer messed-up kids from two-income homes than I see from one- (or none-) income homes. Many kids thrive on having a variety of adults interact with them. My mother worked after her divorce, and I never felt deprived. I spent afternoons with Grandma until I was old enough to be on my own after school. I learned to cook at an early age, and typically came home and made dinner for the family. I knew what I could and could not do and who to call if there was a problem. I think that responsibility, for the right kids, breeds responsibility... just as overprotectiveness and authoritarianism can breed dependence and an inability to make the right choices when choices become inevitable.

I'm no fan of casual divorce, but moms can be caught between a rock and hard place. Stay married and be battered (and risk the kids' safety as well) or leave and live in poverty. Which is worse? And wouldn't most of us rather see these single moms work and support their families than be on welfare?

No, people shouldn't have kids if they are not prepared to put their heart and soul into parenting. That's why I don't have any. (But there are an awful lot of things that people do that they shouldn't be doing!) I still get snide comments and funny looks from evangelical right-wing friends when I explain that we have no children, by choice, after almost ten years of marraige. They wonder how I can feel fulfilled without children, without the whole motherhood experience. Underneath, there is this implication that as a Christian and a wife that I should be at home, barefoot and pregnant while my husband works. Sometimes a woman can't win in the "you should be doing (blank)" game...