The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162912   Message #3883632
Posted By: GUEST,Lin
21-Oct-17 - 12:10 AM
Thread Name: ☼~~++SECRET SANTA Time 2017++~~☼
Subject: RE: ++SECRET SANTA Time 2017++
Sounds like fun!! Question: When you say what stuff you like to receive - do you send also send a gift to the person who is sending you a gift?

Question: If you live in USA, do Mudcatters only in USA send you a gift? Or can it be sent to/from anywhere UK, Spain, etc?
When you say that only you know who sends to who - how does it work when you usually put your name & return address on the package you send? Then the person would know who you are. Right?

If you send gift to someone overseas you have to write on a claims form that post office attaches to your package. You have to write your name and address on the package (as the sender) and declare what the gift and value is on claims form (when sending overseas.)

How do you determine who sends to what Mudcatter?

P.S I have never participated in this before so just wanted to know more detail about how it works. :-)))