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Thread #162903   Message #3884149
Posted By: Teribus
23-Oct-17 - 04:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Catalonia: pros and cons of separation
Subject: RE: BS: Catalonia: pros and cons of separation
Oh dear, oh dear, guess what change the original treaty of Lisbon attempted to bring in. At the moment the EU requires the unanimous agreement of all member states in the Council of Ministers, what was tried on was a change that allowed things to go through with only a two-thirds majority. 28 member states, two-thirds of 28 is 19 - How many non-contributor member states are there again? Oh yes there are 19 of them - how convenient for the EU Commission who can blackmail those in receipt of EU cash into voting the way they want. First France, then the Netherlands and then Ireland rejected the Treaty of Lisbon. This was the Treaty of Lisbon that was a step too far for the electorate of the UK, the one that prompted Gordon Brown to promise the electorate an EU membership referendum, of course he reneged on that promise and the EU Commission got their amended and much watered down version of the Treaty of Lisbon through the back door - No two-thirds provision YET - but it hasn't gone away.