The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162917   Message #3884268
Posted By: Jim Carroll
24-Oct-17 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: What is Happening to our Folk Clubs
Subject: RE: What is Happening to our Folk Clubs
""the oral tradition" is of great importance to you and others, "
Please don't minimise this by confining it to just a few of us - it is very much an essential element of what constitutes our folk music and has been since the genre was first documented
As far as Balquhidder is concerned, it has firmly established itself as traditional, among non-literate Travellers and field singers, in Britain, Ireland and America, to earn it the description 'Folk' or traditional - it's even been awarded a Roud number, which works fine for me.
I'm sure that you are aware of the court case involving the ownership of 'Wild Mountain Thyme' by the McPeake Family
I have to say that, despite its origins, 'Taunton Deane' has always left me with the impression of the townie's view of the idiot country yokel
All of which goes to show that there is a degree of pleasure to be got from academic discussion
"I don't think it's nonsense to find that insulting and it doesn't seem to be questioning anything."
The nonsense lies in your argument that to challenge something that is apparently wrong is to insult those involved Bryan - it is an argument used by populists to defend that most extreme actions by the most exxtreme people
Let's face it, today's folk scene drove away far more people that it retained, so technically, it is you who is in the minority and, by your own logic, it is you who is doing the insulting.
Even the few of you remaining can't stump up a workable definition and agree among yourselves, risible to say the least.
Jim Carroll