The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162917   Message #3884453
Posted By: Jim Carroll
25-Oct-17 - 06:12 AM
Thread Name: What is Happening to our Folk Clubs
Subject: RE: What is Happening to our Folk Clubs
The bullying blustering and insulting has come from you people - you don't wish to define folk song so instead you stamp your feet and call names
I have given you my arguments, I have outlined what I believe to be folksong and why - not a single one of ou has hasd the good grace to respond with a half decent answer
My approach is not "narrow" - it is a world wide view of what folk song is and what it represents - it is as solidly researched and documented as any other musical form
It is, in my opinion, more important than any other musical form as it is the voice of working people, not the educated elite or the overpaid under-talented pop icons - ordinary working man and women
A challenge to all of you - if you have the bottle.
I've just posted two series of radio programmes which for me, present a picture of what folk song is.
The first is a ten part series on the folk songs of these islands - in my opinion, the finest analysis to date
The second is an international view, giving examples from all over the world
I haven't taken them out of Dropbox yet, so if any of you care to take up my challenge I'll leave them in and link them to anybody interested - those who are can PM me with an e-mail address
I'll even throw in a programme on the very finest and most skilful examples of folk singing.
Let's see who has the balls to listen to the real thing
Jim Carroll