The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162917   Message #3884572
Posted By: Jim Carroll
25-Oct-17 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: What is Happening to our Folk Clubs
Subject: RE: What is Happening to our Folk Clubs
"So are you now saying that you cannot have contemporary songs (such as Maccoll's songs) in a folk club?"
No I am not and you know that Bryan
I have said over and over again that unless the fol scene can produce material based on folk styles it will be little more than a museum
I'm not even saying that clubs shouldn't include other forms - occasionally = plenty of music hall songs in the clubs I used to go to
I have never advocated absolutes
We are talking about folk music being edged ot
MacColl wrote more songs than any other performer on the scene - according to Peggy, his posthumous collection included about half of his repertoire
No club needs a workable definition - it needs a committee theat lives up to its promise of folk songs -- not at the exclusion of anything else but as a rule of thumb - if you are anything to go by, obviously not yours
"I clearly said YOUR approach to the music was turgid, narrow and bombastic."
No it isn't - I am a singer and resear
cher - I ing both traditional and contemporary songs, the latter based on the first
Unless you regard traditional songs as turgid - my approach is not turgid.
As a researcher, I write and talk about traditional songs - if I compare them to others I define the two as being different
You are suggesting that that is "turgiud"
Would you expect a lecturer on operas to get up and talk about Mick Jagger - then why expect me to get p and talk about Bob Geldof because that's what goes on in folk clubs
This is the stupidity of your argument
You obviuouslky don't give a toss for the importance of folk song, I don't get the imprssion that you even like it
You ahve shown no interest in taking up my offer (a couple of people have), so I assume you don't intend to try to understand what I am talking about - and you dessscribe me as "rigid"
Go look in a ****** mirror if you want to se rigid
"Pity we can't put it to a vote, I think you would surprised."
Put it to a vote where
The vast majority of people in Britain wouldn't no what you were talking about
Your miniscule club members don't even have a consensus among themselves - some complain about the lack of opportunity to sing traditional songs, some look on clubs as a social gathering, some make a career out of them and the rest of you can't scratch up a decent definition between you
You are actulally a minority of a minority
At least I have the literature and a mass of recordings put together over the last half centurr to back up what I claim
You have nothing
You can't "like" or "vote" a definition into existence - a thing is what it is and a definition defines and articulates what it is
You have reduced this to likes and dislikes - would you do that about any other art form
Is classical music not classical music because not enough people like it
Utterly insane
Jim Carroll