The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163025   Message #3884733
Posted By: Johnny J
26-Oct-17 - 05:26 AM
Thread Name: Should theads have a max limit of posts?
Subject: Should theads have a max limit of posts?
I'm sure this is something on which the moderators may feel it's too late to change their policy even if they wanted to do so. After all, the site has been running for many years now.

For various reasons, I feel that many of the discussions here become far too cumbersome and long winded and I eventually get put off reading many of them.

From a technical and "user friendly" point of view, they are extremely difficuly to navigate especially on a mobile device.

As regards content, many posters end up repeating themselves or going off in a tangent. In most cases, the initial question or topic can easily be dealt with in just a view posts although it's, arguably, OK to go on a bit longer so that most members can make a comment if they wish.

Of course, other related topics can emerge from the discussion but, surely, it's more sensible to carry these on in a new thread?

On the, the moderator(Jeremy) now steps in if a thread becomes too long winded, argumentitive, or is obviously going nowhere. Perhaps, this should happen a little more here too.