The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163025   Message #3884754
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
26-Oct-17 - 06:47 AM
Thread Name: Should theads have a max limit of posts?
Subject: RE: Should theads have a max limit of posts?
There are some who seem to think that this is a debating society. Debates also have time limits and, to my mind, so should some of the threads below the line which fall into repetitive circular argument. They should have a limit on the number of posts. There are threads above the line which engender the free flow of ideas that Guests suggests. They should not have a limit as when interest is lost they will naturally drop off the page anyway and can be resurrected as interest reappears. There are merits to both arguments. Maybe a compromise and limit those below to a couple of hundred posts and those above to no limit? I know there are exceptions but I am just trying a general rule of thumb.