The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #457 Message #3884908
Posted By: Joe Offer
26-Oct-17 - 07:24 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Baltimore Fire..a 'new' old verse....
Subject: ADD Version: Baltimore Fire (Charlie Poole)
BALTIMORE FIRE (Charlie Poole Version)
It was going to a falls by a narrow That I heard a cry I ever shall remember, The fire sent and cast its burning embers On another faded city of our land.
Fire, Fire, I heard the cry From every breeze that passes by, All the world was one sad cry of pity Strong men in anguish prayed, Calling loud to heaven for aid, While the fire in ruins was laying Fair Baltimore, the beautiful city
Amid an awful struggle of commotion, The wind blew a gale from the ocean, Brave firemen struggled with devotion, But their efforts all proved in vain.
The text of this song appears in a songbook called Mowry's Songster, printed around 1905. The great Baltimore fire had occurred the year before, wiping out over a hundred blocks of the city. No author for the song is given, but he must have gotten his inspiration from Joe Gulick's 1873 song "The Boston Fire." Poole must have taken his version from the 1905 edition. However, there are a few distinct differences between the two. For example, the 1905 text has "It was only through a fault and by an error," while Poole sings this line "It was going to a falls by a narrow." The chorus in both versions is almost identical to that of Gulick's "Boston Fire."