The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30273   Message #388554
Posted By: Skeptic
02-Feb-01 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: When your boss says........
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........

My organization (County government) is transforming through teams. Not easy because it isn't lip service. The County Manager is fairly committed. A lot of others aren't.

I've heard him explain to employees who weren't acting as part of the team, (at all levels) why he feels teams work, why the employee is important and suggests ways for the employee to work better as part of the team. I've also heard him agree with at least one employee who explained why what he was doing didn't lend itself to the team concept. The manager agreed.

As a modification of Ed's idea you might consider finding something in your job that might benefit from a team (or at least that a team could form around), get her approval and ask for her help as a mentor in setting it up. Listen carefully to what she says about being part of the team and what her idea of a "team" is. She may want you to continue coming up with the ideas, but to play the roll of "team member" and generate minutes to show her boss. She may be really committed and just not expressing it well.

Regards and good luck
