The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162917   Message #3886126
Posted By: Jim Carroll
01-Nov-17 - 06:09 AM
Thread Name: What is Happening to our Folk Clubs
Subject: RE: What is Happening to our Folk Clubs
"which incidentally didn't even exist before the middle of the 19th century, then go ahead. "
The term folk came into bing in 1846 and replaced 'Popular' - of the people
Folk song wasn't researched until the beginning of the 20th century an that is basically the limits of our knowledge of how it worked
"You are expressing yourself very badly,"
Sorry - that is not the impression I am getting Dave
I'm getting exactly the reaction I expected - not of being misunderstood - thatr, being understood too well
Claiming to misunderstand is the old get-out
What exactly have I written that you don't understand?
Yours - and everybody elses attitude to what has been said here is perfectly clear in tyour total refusal to reply to it
Not just mine, Shilrley Collins', Ian Campbell's. Walter Pardon's, - all ignored
Did they express themselves badly as well - you'e al ***** ignored what tey have to say
How about the progammes on offer - have you decided they are proibably so badly put togethert that tyey are not worth a listen?
Ot is it that you are either not interested, or afraid of what they have to say?
I'm not a fluent writer, but I believe I write clearly enough to be understood - that's why people hide behind my typos rather than respond honestly
JIm Carroll