The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163126   Message #3888398
Posted By: Hollowfox
13-Nov-17 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: SECRET SANTA, gifts and teasing.
Subject: RE: SECRET SANTA, gifts and teasing.
1.What is your age range? 68, physically. Mentally, probably late 20s

2. Gender? female

3. Do you have a favorite color? No neon. I like the colors but they don?t like me.

4. Favorite authors/type of book?
Folklore, storytelling, story collections, oriental folklore and stories, science fiction, fantasy, anything local for you.

5. What books have you really been wanting? I work in a library, so I usually get to take care of that myself, but if you have any music hall, burlesque, or vaudeville recitations, etc. laying around?

6. What type of music do you like? Mostly traditional folk, vocal and instrumental. I was raised on classical, opera, and broadway, so that?s good. Oh, and medieval, Renaissance, Baroque - anything but modern discordant stuff. Novelty songs are always good, too.

7. What CDs have you really been wanting? I always enjoy anything local to you, or anything you?ve performed on. Other suggestions: If you?re Canadian, I?d like something by Penny Lang. I heard her when I was in college (mumble) years ago, and loved every minute of it. If you?re in Great Britain, I really need another copy of Taffy Thomas?s Take These Chains from My Heart. I have another friend who needs to hear it, and I don?t really want to just burn a duplicate.

8. What movies have you been wanting (DVD/BluRay)? DVD, it would have to be Area One. Folk or storytelling, if you have any.

9. What is your t-shirt size? XL, alas

10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? I sort of accumulate figurines of dragons, foxes, and other wildlife, also cats. Nothing cutsey, though

11. What are some of your other hobbies? Besides folk and storytelling, I enjoy Japanese animation (aka anime), and I belong to a medieval recreation group (SCA) where I enjoy classes in performing arts, cooking, and of course singing, storytelling, etc.

12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? I tend toward silver, but I like anything pretty.

13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like. Used is as good as new for me, maybe even better. Also, I?ve gotten some lovely Christmas ornaments in times past. So this is probably more than you ever wanted to know, but I thought I?d give you a wide menu to choose from. Don?t break your neck over this, as my grandmother used to say. I?ve never gotten a Mudcat gift that didn?t delight me.

14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. I?m not allergic to anything.