I theres already a version of this in the dt, but this one is less baudy. That's not nessesarily a good thing, but I like the clever wit and romantic theam of this one as apposed to the rakish humor of the dt one wich is listed as oh no john.No, John, No
On yonder hill there lives a lady
But her name I do not know
I will court her for her beauty
Will she answer yes or no?
cho: No John no, no John no
No John no John No John no
She's a fair and handsome creature
And to woo her I will go
Ask her if she'll be my true love
Will she answer yes or no?
And if walking in the garden
's all right with you
Tell me would you be offended
If I walked and talked with you
Tell me why oh tell me truly
Tell me why you scorn me so
Tell me why when asked a question
That you alway answer no
My father was a spanish merchant
And there for he went to sea
He told me to be true and answer no
to all you said to me
And if walking in the garden And I asked you to be mine If I told you that I loved you Would you then My heart decline
(sung slower)
cho.I got this on an alubum called The Haymarket Minstrels By Curtis Teague & Loretta Simonet who I always make a point a seeing at the Minnasota ren. fest every year.