The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30312   Message #388975
Posted By: Skeptic
02-Feb-01 - 11:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwacked - Four
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwacked - Four

"In the recent hearings held by the Civil Rights Commission in Tallahassee, Fla. the NAACP did not produce a single legally registered Black Florida voter who was not allowed to vote"

Not surprising as that's not what they were looking for. As the claim is non-falsifiable, why would anyone bother. They did talk to a number of voters (per CNN anyway) who were purged from the rolls as felons when they weren't.


"Socialists don't have independence, you're just like the Borg (a little Trekkie lingo there) dependant on the government"

As are capitalists. And communists and ........all the other ists an isms. Government is a function. Socialists want one set of functions, capitalist another. You can claim that education isn't listed as a function of the government. True. The constitution mentions nothing about education. It doesn't mention a lot of things. Deliberately. The intent wasn't to make a nice, exhaustive list of all the duties and responsibilities of the Government. It was to say, here are specific duties we want you d\to carry out. If we (as in "We the People"), want you to do more, here are the rules under which you have to operate. Congress makes the laws and the Supreme Court makes sure they follow the general principals. If we don't like the laws, elect different lawmakers.

"What selfishness? Allowing parents to School choice is selfish? " They have the choice now. Under your logic of choice, as education shouldn't be a function of the government, why should a parent have to send their child to school at all?

"What you selfish LSCs are doing is "depriving Blacks" in the inner city the opportunity to a decent and safe education"

This does not compute. A ringing indictment, to be sure. Proof would be nice.

"You got that right, any disenfranchisment happened in voting districts completely controlled by the failed democrats. "

Duval County comes to mind. Traditional votes republican. Has a republican Mayor. The majority of the Palm Beach County Commission is also Republican.

"First of all Clinton is not a liberal, he has such good job approval ratings for signing most of the CONTRACT WITH AMERICA into law"

Plus he associated with known Republicans and noted conservatives. Just what is he then?

"whispering) You're embarassing yourself, that is not a liberal quote, liberals believe in dependence on the government. JFK by today's standards was a philandering Right Wing Extremist! "

And by the standards of the '60's he was a slightly right of center moderate. Not exactly a big secret. Yes, people view him as a progressive liberal. People view Newt Gingrich as the very model of modern southern conservative. Or did, anyway, until his all to human foibles clashed with the public image he'd developed.. Whether JFK was or wasn't a liberal has nothing to do with Lucius wanting one in the White House. As said earlier, I'm not a fan of JFK or his famous sound-bite but I want a liberal in the White House too. (Just my kind of Liberal)

"GO Get him AG Ashcroft! (Was he tried for the murder of Mary Jo Kopekne?) "

No. Was Nixon tried for Watergate or Cambodia? Or Bush and Company for Iran/Contra? Seems to me our legal system decided the evidence wasn't sufficient for a trail. Except for the Iran/Contra Group who got pardoned by Bush Sr. Kimmers,

"I like to see kids given the chance to study the evidence, then make up their own minds. Scientific questioning should begin in youth. "

Come on. Think for themselves. Then they'll start demanding things like a living wage, 40 hour work weeks and who knows what else. I mean think what you propsal might mean. Voting on the issues. And actually bothering to vote. Developing a strong sense of self-worth and self-reliance so the bs from all sides of the political spectrum is seen for what it is.

You really need to be careful. With Ashcroft in, can developing a program to locate politically non-conservative ideas on the internet and deal harshly with the malefactors be far behind. Its people like you who make me think there really is hope.



