The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162855   Message #3890769
Posted By: Steve Shaw
27-Nov-17 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
Do I think John's right to call them feeble-minded? Why are you asking me that? I never used the expression! I make up my own pejoratives! Of course he's right! John's right about everything all the time! Same as me, Jim, Dave, Raggytash and Greg! We cannot be wrong! We speaketh ex cathedra! And you are always wrong! Nigel is always wrong! Iains is always wrong!

Next bloody silly question, please, Keith...

As for poor, poor Nigel:

Steve sez:

"So, Nige, you accepted the lie propagated by your side. And didn't say anything. Well, at least I don't recall you saying anything. But why would you care? As long as the plebs swallowed it hook, line and sinker and voted leave. What else mattered, Nige?"

Nigel sez:

"Yes, you did make that statement."

Steve sez:

Yes, Nigel, I certainly did!

But Nigel then unfortunately sez:

"Just your usual tactic of changing your mind, or blaming others for not understanding what you meant, or just claiming that it was just 'whimsy', or sarcasm."

But. Nigel darling, you must be the only person on this planet (bar one or two I happen to know who take things so literally that they have been placed on the autism spectrum) who would take that quote to mean that it's me calling people plebs. Nigel, that is me mockingly mimicking the voices of leave campaigners. You, your side, read it again, geddit? The lie propagated by your side, you and your lying brexit mates, which you thought the plebs would swallow. You thought they were plebs, not me, 'twas you and your disreputable, lying leave side. You've defended the people who told those lies and you've defended the result. As a matter of fact I hold no candle for the remain side either, who equally took people for fools. I've castigated both sides again and again on this forum. It was never me taking people for suckers. It was always me railing against the lying, undemocratic bastards on both sides in the campaign. So just go and take a running jump, Nigel, and try to make an honest man of yourself for a change. I'm as straight as a die. If you want to behold a weasly, devious stalker with an agenda, look to yourself.