The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29976   Message #389100
Posted By: GUEST,jayohjo in Russia
03-Feb-01 - 07:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jayohjo in Russia!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Jayohjo in Russia!!!!
Gah! Disgraceful behaviour! Thief....
Firecat, re Red Square - I know what you mean, but when we saw it it was snowing, and beautiful, and we'd just bought blini from a stall just outside the gate - sour cream and sugar, if anyone's interested, and it was melting and freezing at the same time - it was just starting to get dark, and everything was completely magical. I can't believe I leave for Novgorod tomorrow night - it'd be completely normal to go on holiday here for 2 weeks, but it feels so odd to be leaving this quickly - I don't feel I've had time to get to know the city enough at all!
Anyway, this post is really hard work, as I'm typing on a Cyrillic keyboard, so will be back soon with more excitement!
Love from the REAL Jayohjo! XXX