The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163213   Message #3891219
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Nov-17 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Preventive war?
Subject: RE: BS: Preventive war?
"Learn to read, Jimmy-boyo"
Learn to speak to people with a degree of respect and not drag in your obvious ill bringing up Bruce
Bullies like you reflect the arrogance that cause wars
Neither power is particularly trustworthy here and it needs to be remembered that the genocidal war carried out by the US against Korea left the latter reduced to living in caves - which is highly preferable to the certain outcome of any future war
When will Strangeloves like you ever learn
As Greg F has pointed out, even your chosen title is contradictory -
"Preventive War" is any oxymoron" and something no civilised nation should even consider.
If you can't handle the answers you receive, don't put up stupid questions
Jim Carroll