The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162855   Message #3891553
Posted By: Jim Carroll
01-Dec-17 - 03:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
"I don't think they've 'ad it yet, Jim."
An attempt at humour on my part Steve - the bribe is to be paid OVER TWO YEARS after which it will be reviewd to see if it needs to increase.
"Please don't just say you dont want a hard border."
The Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, had said he will veto negotiations on Brexit if the possibility of a hard border arises - hopefully he will be truer to his word than the politicians attempting to sell a catastrophic decision to a British public who are now having too face the consequences of this pig-in--a-poke decision
The announced threat by the DUP yesterday showed all the signs of the old Unionist antagonism towards a United Ireland and as the gap closes between the two groups in the Six Counties, with the majority party maintaining its lead by one M.P., it is essential that the Peace Process is allowed to continue
Direct rule from London is the last thing Ireland needs   
Jim Carroll