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Thread #163234   Message #3892321
Posted By: Steve Shaw
05-Dec-17 - 07:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Damian Green
Subject: RE: BS: Damian Green
I repeat for your benefit, Stanron. This isn't really about just porn. Loads of people use porn (me never included, but hey). Loads of people look at porn, furtively, on their work computer. If I, as a schoolteacher, had been found to be using porn on my school-supplied computer, I would have be been sacked. Simple as that. Now this chap has protested that he neither downloaded nor used the porn on his public-money-supplied computer. The ex-cop who blew the whistle has stated that it is inconceivable that Green didn't know about the porn files (hope you're keeping up...). If that's the case, and, in the absence of contrary evidence I'd say that it was very plausible, then Green has a lot of explaining to do. Why did he not create a big stink about the porn at the time? Wouldn't you have done in the same position? Why is he not threatening to sue the cops? Actually, it's the cops threatening to sue HIM! He is a very savvy, consummate politician. He was devious enough to be in grateful receipt of leaked documents disadvantageous to Labour. No big deal - they're all at it, etc. But he allowed his lackey to fall on his sword over it. He's denied everything. Now he's been accused of inappropriate sexual advances. So what's it all about? It's about the second-in-command of the country having his honesty and integrity severely called into question. People like you and Iains are falling for the routinely trotted-out establishment strategy of using attack as a means of defence. Two old blokes long-retired from the force are hardly going to have sinister, conspiratorial, political motives. Anyone doing what they've done gets immediately shatupon from on high. They're in deep doodah and they knew they would be. What they've done was against the rules and they are risking their pensions, reputations and freedom. Here's the thing. The genie can't be shoved back in the lamp. Your protestations may well have an element of justice-not-served about them, but we are talking here about a man in his Bill Clinton moment. You and your allies spend massive amounts of your energy picking holes in Corbyn's character, trying to depict him as an apologist for antisemitism and terrorism on the most scant of the evidence. All the evidence against your man is, er, uncomfortably building, to say the least. We want honest people running us, not ruthless weasels who squirm away from the truth in order to save their skins, or blokes with one hand on the mouse and the other on their dicks in office time. He has a lot to explain and a lot to prove, and denial simply ain't cutting it for him. That's what this is about.