The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30273   Message #389233
Posted By: Amos
03-Feb-01 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: When your boss says........
Subject: RE: BS: When your boss says........
If your difference is that you show initiative and can come up with creative solutions then what she means is " make me feel vulnerable because you're more of a leader than i am...". If your difference is that you partition your personal life in a disciplined way even at the expense of the department (or whatever this "team" is) then what she meant is "you piss me off because you won't bend to the artificial necessities of the group". If she's very enlightened or particularly sensitive and empathetic, she could have meant "Your individuality and intelligence make you stand out from the herd", but this is a low-probability interpretation.

If you ask her for "How do you think I could improve my team skills?", she will be forced into the role of trainer, which she should have had the brains to take on in the first place, instead of the role of critic. So far, it's just a comment, not an emergency. So I would play it completely cool and treat it like an opportunity for dialogue and let's see how good she is at communicating straight instead of obliquely.
