The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160833 Message #3892488
Posted By: GUEST,M O
06-Dec-17 - 03:49 PM
Thread Name: Lyr: Song of Lieutenant Kije-from Singing Together
If you go to YouTube :- treelegsofman there's a wonderful man singing this.
Oh, Kije was a hussar bold, a hussar bold was he. The bravest soldier of the tsar, the pride of the Calvary.
Oh, Kije was a captain fine, a captain fine was he. So fearless in the cannons roar, he led his company.
Oh Kije was a Colonel fierce. A colonel fierce was he. His soldiers never paused for rest till they routed the enemy.
Oh Kije was a general brave, a general brave was he. His army always lead the van to gain the victory.
Oh, Kije won a hero's fame, a hero's fame won he. The bravest soldier to serve the Tzar in the ranks of Muscovy.
Now Kije never lived at all the Tzar's mistake was he. But as the Tzar could do no wrong, a myth he had to be.