The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163234   Message #3892573
Posted By: Steve Shaw
07-Dec-17 - 05:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Damian Green
Subject: RE: BS: Damian Green
The claims that he used, if not also downloaded, porn on his work computer are not unsubstantiated. It was his computer. The porn was on it. That is substance. Not proof, though in my opinion he has a bit more explaining to do than simply denying everything. If I found porn on my computer I'd be racking my brain as to who could have known my password, etc., or finding out what was up with my firewall, and, once I'd found out, I'd take them to the cleaners. But he's apparently just sat on this for nine years. He needs to tell us how he investigated and dealt with the miscreant, if that's what he did. As I've repeatedly said, this issue is now public and whether that's legitimate or not is water under the bridge. He now has another sex allegation pending. He's not just another ordinary employee doing naughty-naughty at work during slack periods. He's second-in-charge of the country. His integrity is in question and denying everything simply doesn't cut it. Anyway, it's gone quiet on this for a day or two. I suppose he's hoping it'll go away. I think he could be mistaken.