The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30312   Message #389370
Posted By: Skeptic
03-Feb-01 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwacked - Four
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwacked - Four

Tried to look at the catalogue. Either it doesn't like Acrobat 4.0 or I'm on an 'enemies' list somewhere. I've seen similar stuff at friend's houses who home school. I've also seem some really good stuff that puts some of the text-books used today to shame.

Mainstream text-book publishers try to appease all the special interest groups. There was a recent news story about the Prentice Hall science series that, aside from the usual proofing areas, misstated basic scientific laws.

A couple of Middle School history texts I've seen paint a picture of the explorers and colonist's that are ready fro a prime-time mini-series. They're painted as brave, adventurous with a few minor flaws thrown in to flesh them out. I had an opportunity to look at six or seven different history texts (supposedly the cream of the crop) being considered locally and they were about as bland, one sided and simplistic as they could be without omitting the text entirely and just having pictures.

The Boards of Education don't seem to mind as their criteria for the success of teachings is passing standardized tests. Text books are written to address the core concepts required by the State (Florida's used to be available on-line) The standardized tests are geared to the core concepts. Reading the standards lulls you into a false sense of security. A little time with them and you realize that there's no depth. Just pre-packaged info-bites that will show up later on competency tests.


Was smoking of hemp stigmatized back in the good old days? Drinking alcohol wasn't,I seem to recall, in part because getting potable water was a problem.

