The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163234   Message #3893755
Posted By: Jim Carroll
13-Dec-17 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Damian Green
Subject: RE: BS: Damian Green
"Of course, Jim, your view of it is quite Biblical in its approach."
If you care to read what I said Nigel, I have no interest in the minister's personal morality, nor anybody else's
I do care about sex being commodified by porn and privatised by the Tories
I hardly think quoting from a book that encourages stoning women to death for adultery a particularly apt authority on treatment of women, not to mention the casting out and blinding that occupies that particular source of wisdom.
"I don't know Keith's opinion, but I would think there must be 'degrees' in such matters."
If one is sexual assault, what's the other?
As far as atrocities are concerned, Keith constantly defends atrocities he supports by pointing to others he doesn't
I'm sure Iains was trying to do something similar with his failed link.
It's all down to how you regard women in society and putting right what is wrong, I suppose
Doesn't seem to concern your lot overmuch where our 'betters' are concerned
Jim Carroll