The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30312   Message #389411
Posted By: GUEST,MAV
03-Feb-01 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwacked - Four
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwacked - Four

First understand I'm not particularly Religious Right, but I'm glad they're on our side.

"My husband visited a site today that supplies books for home-schoolers. I found it extremely spooky"

It would be if you are an anti-christian bigot.

Not all home schoolers are doing it just because they are Christian. We have some leftie Yuppies who are into it "big time"

"Public education may get goofy at times, but at least it reflects a diversity of opinions"

Since they recognize it is their right to raise their own children as they see fit (not the state's) they don't want that PC claptrap being foisted on their kids"

"These guys are putting out books that seem one step short of brainwashing"

All education is "brainwashing", they want the kids brainwashed their way, not yours.

"And how the heck are they putting a "Christian" (read: right-wing political ideology) spin on MATH??? or CHEMISTRY??"


"No-wrong-answer-as-long-as-you-feel-good-about-yourself" MATH would not be tolerated.

"Man made global warming" CHEMISTRY probably doesn't cut it either.

As far as "Christian" (read: right-wing political ideology)" goes;

There is also a RELIGIOUS LEFT, they are, among others, the black Babtists who always vote democrat.

We, RWEs, now plan as our next trick to bring them into the fold. (see: "W" meets with Black Caucus and Black pastors)

They have much more in common with the Golden Rule Christian Conservatives than they do with the perverts, pornographers, felons, thieves, liars, drug dealers and murder/borts that are associated with BILL CLINTON and the rest of the DNC!!!

I welcome those black "country preachers" with their halleluja congregations and pounding gospel music. I'd like to have them on our side too.

Besides, they have 12% of the vote.

Now that's dangerous.

mav out