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Thread #163234   Message #3894181
Posted By: Steve Shaw
15-Dec-17 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Damian Green
Subject: RE: BS: Damian Green
So what part of the Data Protection Act relates to someone accidentally viewing porn on someone else's computer? Suppose I'm a head of department or the headteacher in a secondary school and I accidentally find porn on a probationary teacher's computer. Am I in breach of the Data Protection Act if I tell anyone about it? I don't think so. I don't think that's the kind of "data" the Act is supposed to cover. And what about all those leaks? Green was in receipt of documents leaked by some mole in the Brown administration. He didn't exactly blow the whistle on the Labour provider, did he? I imagine he found the leaked documents very useful. Was that covered by the Data Protection Act? There's an awful lot of leaking going on and not an awful lot of prosecutions...

"He is also the only person claiming it existed at all.
There is no-one anywhere claiming it was not legal!"

This is what you said on 3 December, Keith, your whole post:

Date: 03 Dec 17 - 06:16 AM

"The ex officers did not report it at the time.
Even they admit they had no proof it was Green anyway.
It was not illegal anyway.
No crime was committed.
It was ten years ago."

Sounds to me like you admit that the porn existed, if nowt else. If not, well what was it that was not illegal, Keith?