The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161289   Message #3894265
Posted By: Joe Offer
17-Dec-17 - 02:20 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Dreidel Song / Dreydl Song
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dreidel Song / Dreydl Song
I got a nice email from somebody who had trouble finding this thread, and he made some worthwhile comments:

I always thought that the "leg" (singular) was the point that the dreydl spins on.


P.S. Hanukkah is Dec 12-20 in 2017, so light your menorahs!

18 Dec 2017
Hey Joe,

As a follow up on the dreydel song today I asked my grandkids how they sing it. Already they’re being taught it as a zipper. I was surprised.

One of the six year olds said he made his out of “diamonds” and after spinning it he was “blinded.” His twin then wentt further and said hgis dreydel was “diamond” too but he said spinning it cut the “tabble”. !!!!! He explained that diamond are ver sharp…. sharp enough like a true literalist. to break a rhyme I guess or even a near rhyme.