The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21472   Message #3894601
Posted By: Bat Goddess
18-Dec-17 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: Who knows about Jaime Brockett?
Subject: RE: Who knows about Jaime Brockett?
Just talking about Jaime the other night at a small session at Beara in Portsmouth, NH.

Jaime lived around here for a number of years. Organized a comcert for Arnet Taylor when he sailed in the BOC Challenge in, I think, 1994.

Chris Biggi who was Sunset Ridge Studio died in 2003 and Jaime helped Chris's widow Pam organize all of Chris's recording archives (which started long before Chris opened the studio) before Pam sold the farm and moved to Florida.

Chris Biggi was a part of and recorded the Charles Street/Boston folk gang in the 1960s -- including Mudcat's own Curmudgeon, Tom Hall (my late husband), Bill Madison, Jaime Brockett, Bill Staines, Chris Smither, Rocky Rockwood, Paul MacNeil, Lesley Moore, Kenny Girard, Paul Geremia, Diane Gagner, Eliot Kenin and more that I can't bring to mind right now. (Forgive me -- this was long before I met Tom, though I later got to know most of the above musicians.)

Last I heard (from Bob Halperin, I think) Brockett is living somewhere in Vermont. I've been sporadically trying to get in touch with him to let him know Tom died four years ago.
