The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163234   Message #3895224
Posted By: Steve Shaw
21-Dec-17 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Damian Green
Subject: RE: BS: Damian Green
I've been solidly in Christmas rellie territory all day so I've missed out on all this. Just one or two things.

Does the end justify the means? As far as I'm concerned, whatever the rights, wrongs   or irregularities, what the whistleblowing policeman did was dead right. The upshot is that a dishonest (by his own admission, lest we forget) politician has been sacked. Not just white-lie dishonest but quite prepared to see others excoriated as he persisted in his denials. How bloody horribly ruthless and self-serving is that. Dunno about you, but I want every dishonest, ruthlessly self-serving politician removed from public office and I don't care which bloody party they're in. I don't want my country to be run by people who lack basic integrity, thank you.

The other thing is that Green has been a bosom buddy of May since they were at university together decades ago. Can it really be the case that she hasn't been complicit in all this? Either she was or she's a bit thick. Whichever is true, it means that she is unfit for office. I think we have a lot more to come out on this.