The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163234   Message #3896428
Posted By: Steve Shaw
30-Dec-17 - 06:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Damian Green
Subject: RE: BS: Damian Green
Cor, what a garble! Yertis sans last night's copy and paste. Ahem:

You really can't help it, can you, Keith? Pathetically obsessive,

I predicted weeks ago that we ain't heard nuthin' yet apropos of Damian Green. Naturally, he has the protecting veil of the establishment and he's now hoping that this will all evaporate now that he's been sidelined. Well he's wrong. That is not the culture of the times when it comes to sexual indiscretions. The reality will seep out only slowly, but this is going to run and run. So far, two ex-policemen and a young Tory activist have had their characters assassinated by Green's lackeys in the gutter press. That was a very silly move.

As for insulting religions, my view is that organised religions have all been insulting and exploiting and trying to contrllingbhumanity for thousands of years do they'd bettervroll with the punches. Individual believers shouldn't be targeted as long as they're minding their own business and not trying to recruit others to their irrational beliefs.