The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163234   Message #3896599
Posted By: Jim Carroll
31-Dec-17 - 08:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Damian Green
Subject: RE: BS: Damian Green
"I do not know what question you are talking about, and I am sure no-one else does"
You are either lying or very stupid Keith - pleaser do nort involve others in your lying stupidity
Try my question regarding the link "THEIR POLICY HERE"
"30 Dec 17 - 10:05 AM
I have answered your question - all incidents of antisemitism appall me - I don't believe there have been any major examples of antisemitism in the Labour Party recently and if there have they are virtually impossible to distinguish from your own antisemitism of regarding all criticism of Israel being an attack on the Jewish people
Of the two you mentioned - Livingston stated a historical fact known to Jews and non-jews alike - maybe not a tactfult time to do so, but that doesn't make him an antisemite
Naz Shah actually quoted respected American Jewish political scientist, Norman Finkelstein, when she suggested that Jews move to America - the maps that accompanied her suggestion were actually his.
It was a gaffe made when she was a young woman - she apologised and withdrew it - end of story until it was used by the anti-semitic anti-BDS crowd in their efforts to absolve Israel from its ongoing racist criminality
The real anti-semites here are those who accuse the Jewish People of being responsible for Israel's crimes by making criticism of those crimes "anti-semitic"
Count yourself firmly among that number
Jim Carroll