The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161833   Message #3896791
Posted By: Senoufou
01-Jan-18 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: what did you name your cat
Subject: RE: BS: what did you name your cat
Hello there keberoxu! I'm only posting on what I would call 'safe' threads, to avoid all the arguments.

Logie went past the house this morning with his new housemate, the spaniel pup Molly (whom he loves and plays with incessantly) His owners and the two dogs were covered in mud, as were Harry, Marnie and the children from up the road. I always think it's glorious to be covered in mud after a lovely scramble through the fields!

I reckon we're all a bit tired of chicken here by now. My husband sings out his magic word, "Cheeeken!" but the reaction is a bit lacklustre.
No singing with joy, but a sort of silent sigh of resignation. They're utterly spoiled!