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Thread #30312   Message #389685
Posted By: Skeptic
04-Feb-01 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwacked - Four
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwacked - Four
After my success with the blue clicky thing, I'm trying to italicize. HTML is just like the old Xerox meta-code or mainframe based printing.. Tedious.

Chicago John, Beg pardon, but socialism is much more the politics of selfishness then any other political party. Socialism says- "What is yours is also mine" If that isn't selfish, I dunno what is

I believe that the"what's yours..." is communism, not socialism.

After the investigation of Florida by Democrats, they found 1 (ONE) person who had said that they had been denied the right to vote. That is not depriving blacks the right to vote. Assuming that the 1 (ONE) person was telling the truth, it does not form a pattern of discimination

The investigation is on-going (and the claims of voting irregularities predates the presidential election by a couple of years). Miami-Dade went over the voting rolls and found that there were a number of people who were listed as felons and not allowed to vote. Similarity, people who weren't citizens were allowed to vote They found over 100 problems as I recall. This from the corrected voter rolls supplied by Tallahassee. My county started verifying the list and finally tossed it as hopelessly inaccurate. People were denied the right to vote, of all ethnic backgrounds. How many before its wrong? Yeah? As in the VERY unselfish "Can I have $650,000 a year for an apartment?" Clinton? Clinton blew it. Is that worse than having a sports stadium built by the taxpayers for your team? Clinton being wrong doesn't make the other side right.

The Constitution is very specific on what government shouldn't do. But you can't seriously argue that the founding fathers would be *for* giving away air-conditioners. If they knew that we would be considering such things, they certainly would have stopped it from happening

As the founding fathers have been dead these many years, I don't really care. I strongly suspect I wouldn't have liked a lot fo the founding fathers. Especially those who had to be pressured into the Bill of Rights. They created a living document. It wasn't divinely inspired or written on stone tablets and brought down from the mountain. How it's used is for us to decided, through our elected representatives.(Which works better on paper than in reality?).

I have a bunch of problems with the above statement. The most successful "kids" today are from the internet era. They work longer then 40 hours a week of their own accord. They do so because they are smart, and make good money. The people in this world who make the most money do NOT stick to a 40-hour week

Define "successful. Their families, doctors and therapist might disagree,. The 40-hour work week came about because people weren't being compensated. Industry self-regulation didn't work.

Looking at the failure rate of, e-commerce and internet related industries, including the massive losses reported each quarter even from the successful ones, "smart' may be pushing it. An analysis of Silicon Valley successes indicated that general knowledge of business and marketing principals and high levels of social skills were what succeeded, not technical expertise.

With Ashcroft in, can developing a program to locate politically non-conservative ideas on the internet and deal harshly with the malefactors be far behind Are you kidding me???

Obviously. Well, obviously it wasn't, but yes.

Why do you think it's stupid to stop felons from voting? I think that once someone has served whatever sentence is imposed, they've "paid their debt to society". No problem with them not being able to vote while they're serving out their sentence. In theory, we have the belief that our goal is to rehabilitate (stressing the "in theory"). This runs counter to that. It also further marginalizes and stigmatizes people and would seem (at least intuitively) to be more part of the problem than the solution

On the contrary, most corporations pay their most valued people very well. I have a friend who works on firewalls. He gets paid very, very, well

And should. I said "valued" not "well paid". The University of Michigan Graduate School of Management does a lot of training, collects a lot of information. When you ask the general employee population why they work for the company, pay is anywhere from 4th to 6th on the list. Ask the senior managers and pay is #1.

It's nice if you have both. When it's all about money, productivity suffers, in the long run. People who are treated like cogs in the machine, no matter how well paid, tend to start acting like one.


Both of the Clintons lost a lot of my respect over the Senate/Real Estate deal and the Pelitier Pardon. Not to mention the WhiteWater thing. At the time, I did not put a lot of stock in that, but now???????? Ditto IMO, Clinton being a scum has little to do with whether his political agenda has merit. Regards
