The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163373   Message #3896915
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
02-Jan-18 - 10:20 AM
Thread Name: The Attic Folk Club
Subject: RE: The Attic Folk Club
Similar question on Facebook 2 years ago on, 'The Only Way is Paisley' page.

Great snippet by one of the contributors -

Memories you asked for. The first night I went I was 15 and had a new girlfriend to impress. I found the close ok and was walking tentatively up the stairs In the dark when a guy came bounding down and asked if he could help me. That was Matt McGinn and he took me upstairs to another old guy sitting at a table who enrolled me as a member, that was Danny Kyle. I was just a wee schoolboy but the warmth of friendship I got from everyone there was amazing . I remember seeing Bert Jansch, Hamish Imlach and many many others. The seating was old dining chairs rescued on their way to a dump, it was a mess, there was a kitchen so you could make tea. People came in at all times, it was a Sunday night, straight from a weekend on the hills, threw their rucksacks on the floor and lay down using them as pillows and several would fall asleep. Good to see this video although I don't remember it ever having these anything as sophisticated as these stylish curtains. I went once after it moved to Renfrew Road but it just wasn't the same and so I stopped going. To put this in context this was just at the time The Beatles and The Rolling Stones were becoming known and in the following year I would get to see The Hollies, The Searchers etc at Paisley Town Hall. Great times to start a life long passion for music.

Worth getting in touch I guess.