The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161833   Message #3897179
Posted By: wysiwyg
03-Jan-18 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: what did you name your cat
Subject: RE: BS: what did you name your cat
The last two we'll likely have are the present employees, who patrol the laundry/mudroom entry-- a prime entry point for annual persistent barn rats and field mice. These are in no way pets, but they did need names WE use to refer to them-- the cats themselves don't know these names and have no interest in laps.

The elderly female was named Othercat when she joined the crew then on duty because, "No, not that one-- the Other Cat."

Her partner (who she barely tolerates) is a young and miniscule adult tom recently insisting on placement, we've dubbed him Applicant, because if we're still in this house when Othercat passes, his mousing skills may earn him the prime job.

At present, only Othercat is granted the indoor role warmed by the gas wall heater. Applicant is young and active enough to reside in the barn with the cows, preferring that to the basement furnace where his water supply is kept unfrozen; his patrol zone is porch and approach pathways plus basement. He's the only employee we've ever seen stalking (after almost 25 years here) from above in a tree--clever boy. He has another snug and easily defended spot he likes for warmer weather.

We feed them both enough Barn Cat daily to retain their interest in remaining on staff. We doctor them when they need it enough to let us. Marauding ferals routinely adopt our landlord's auld barn but we're picky about which we feed and let nature take its course with the ferals; in our younger years, we did a lot of trap/neuter/release-- but younger folks will have to take that up now.