The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163382   Message #3897363
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
04-Jan-18 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Conversations - Nigel Lawson (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: Conversations - Nigel Lawson (Political)
I suppose really its all a question of perspective. Stanron, you seem to think the economic heath of the nation is very good at this precise moment.

Better than when we had less than a million unemployed, before they started fiddling the figures. Better than before we decimated British industry, without making alternative plans.Family life collapsed in all the heavy industry areas, Heavy drugs became the alternative economy in those places. England became full of displaced persons living on the streets And add to that middle class indifference to the effect on the labour market thousands of economic migrants and the death of the fishing industry which had stretched around the entire coast of our country. Add a half a dozen pointless wars with no after care and counselling for the wounded soldiers, and bereaved families.

yeh! highly satisfactory! You really need to be an incendiary red hot lefty to think all is not as it should be.