The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23577   Message #3897401
Posted By: robomatic
04-Jan-18 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Dona Dona
Subject: RE: Origins: Dona Dona
I remember this song from guitar class where we used the instructor's own book as a text. Her book attributed this song simply as "Russian" and the instructor didn't seem to register the distinction I made when I told her it was not Russian, it was Yiddish.

GUEST,A Listener in his/her posts of 11,14,28 APR 11 has gotten as close to the meaning and existential angst of the song as I have ever heard. The song describes with simplicity some deep truths about the cruelty of the world. Ascribing that cruelty to the song is to miss the point.

When I obtained my pilot's license, my father made a comment about my ability to fly away in terms reminiscent of this song.

Wikipedia mentions that the song is also called "Dos Kelbl", Yiddish for "The Calf".