The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163373 Message #3897465
Posted By: GUEST,Andymac
05-Jan-18 - 05:09 AM
Thread Name: The Attic Folk Club
Subject: RE: The Attic Folk Club
There was a later re-incarnation (resurrection?) of The Attic Folk Club in Paisley in the 90s.
Danny Kyle was again involved along with the much missed Davey Spiers and I recall it taking place in The Arts Centre in New St. I think prior to the Arts Centre the venue was in a local pub but I can't recall which one and anyway it will have been renamed and redecorated about a dozen times since then... There was also a Tuesday night Arts Centre Folk night, so I may be conflating both. A much slicker setup than mentioned above, although with Danny's slightly anarchic touch obvious.
I considered myself privileged to be at the first gig of Palaver (Aileen Carr, Gordeannea McCulloch, Maureen Jelks, Chris Myles) which was phenomenal but there were lots of others.
Hamish Imlach guested one night and I still have a signed copy of his biography bought that night. The floor spots included the fine (and local) John McMeekin and a young unknown (maths?) student called Tony McManus playing amazingly on his guitar. He was later booked for one of his very first paid gigs. Wonder what happened to him? ;-)