The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163382   Message #3897564
Posted By: Steve Shaw
05-Jan-18 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Conversations - Nigel Lawson (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: Conversations - Nigel Lawson (Political)
Keith Joseph was barking mad. Job security "propped up" by public funding is what creates a healthy teaching profession, a good NHS fit for purpose backed by a strong medical profession, adequate public services and care for the elderly and disabled. It should also be the foundation of pharmaceutical and energy industries and of public transport, none of which should ever be run for the benefit of shareholders. And maintaining industries is more than just about money and profits. It's about maintaining and supporting communities of PEOPLE. The trouble with the Tory mindset is that it's purely about money, except for an hour's hymnsinging and standing up for Jesus of a Sunday morning. Tasty little signs of an economy in malaise, not that the fat cats would notice or give a damn about them, are ever-growing class sizes, ever-longer patient waiting lists, ever-longer waits at A&E, more food banks, more homelessness, increasing child poverty, even bloody potholes all over the roads. The Tories' not-so-secret weapon for keeping the plebs in line is to rob them of their job security - oops, sorry, I mean create a "flexible labour market," one of the most obscene euphemisms since someone invented "collateral damage" for the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians. Well look where it's getting us: just about the worst growth and productivity figures of any major economy. There were never jobs for life, just as there was never a benefits lifestyle. These pejoratives were inventions intended to soften us up for bringing in harsh and unfair economic policies.