The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163382   Message #3897616
Posted By: Iains
05-Jan-18 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Conversations - Nigel Lawson (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: Conversations - Nigel Lawson (Political)
"Those dealing in absolutes in the cases are fooling no-one but themselves."

Well I feel I have to agree with you there gnome. The public purse is a finite resource and not all decisions on expanding or curtailing expenditure turn out to be the right ones. The problem is finding a way to make the correct decisions. Politicians do not deliberately make bad decisions. Economic and social factors mold decisions but the mechanisms to evaluate unintended consequences do not really exist.
Closing uneconomic pits saved government money and preserved the health of ex-miners but was enough done to provide alternative training and employment in these areas? The answer would have to be a resounding no.
You could also argue that the damage done to communities can still be seen today. All sides of the political spectrum were at fault for this state of affairs.

Wilson's white heat of technology speech back in 1963 outlined a series of proposals that had much merit. But looking back, just how much of it came to fruition, and for those items that did, what happened subsequently, and why?