The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163382   Message #3897754
Posted By: Iains
06-Jan-18 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Conversations - Nigel Lawson (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: Conversations - Nigel Lawson (Political)
Shaw if you really want a pissing contest just remember you have hurled plentiful insults around indiscriminately and they are all archived.
My list would be way bigger than yours!
The moderators will do whatever THEY deem to be necessary.

D the G the history of the trade unions in the UK does not make for happy reading. I can agree that workers and management are best qualified to create a successful business, but this can only happen when they are not at each others throats. The evolution of unions in the UK seems to have created a different beast when compared to Germany, but recent times in Germany have seen a decline in numbers and a more confrontational attitude develop. My knowledge of unions is skeletal-the closest I have come to such an organisation is a chartered society. It is very different both in form and function.
We seem to have moved from the massive confrontations seen around the 70's.Is this due to emasculation of the unions or better arbitration? or both? It would make for far happier industrial relations if both sides learnt to collaborate and more stringent procedures for grievance resolution were in place

" If we have 600 and odd members of parliament beholden to no-one but their constituents and a system where their vote on any given issue is publicly displayed I think we would find that they soon begin to take heed of what the electorate say."
That would seem a stunning idea to me!
Perhaps the electorate should require more to be franchised than simple passing a specified birthday and residence qualification.
You need qualifications for any trade or profession and increasingly need to participate in a "continual professional development" program to retain the right to practise.

Perhaps a GCSE or equivalennt in civics should be required to be entered on the elctoral roll. Possibly to be revalidated at 70.
Lost days due to strikes damage both industries and the economy.
It is at present a complete fantasy to believe politicians, workers and managers/owners can work together, yet after several hundred years of industrialisation you would think such a "triumvirate" would be working seamlessly together. To generate efficiency if nothing else.
There are no easy answers and all sides of the equation must share the guilt.