The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163386   Message #3898258
Posted By: Senoufou
09-Jan-18 - 04:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Homelessness a Personal Choice?
Subject: RE: BS: Homelessness a Personal Choice?
At the risk of making poor old Greg foam at the mouth, I'm thrilled Bonzo, and hope you get your next 'candidate' very soon. Keep us posted!

Attitudes to that nebulous group termed The Homeless have certainly changed over the centuries. The more usual homeless were what we used to call 'tramps', who due to the laws against Vagrancy, had to tramp from one place of refuge to another to obtain temporary lodging. If they sat in the street they were 'moved on' or even arrested. I'm old enough to remember many of these Gentlemen of the Road (early fifties, just after the War) and they were often given food, a little money and old but serviceable overcoats etc by our parents.

We also had Gypsies in real horse-drawn painted caravans coming through our area, and these also were treated with kindness. I remember my mother (who was Irish) giving the women some children's clothes, ex-army blankets and food, and having a good old natter as well.

Nowadays, there seems to be a growing fury at these unfortunate folk by some unfeeling people. They're 'bloody immigrants', 'wasters', 'druggies' etc and 'a drain on our resources'. I've heard they get spat on and kicked. Arguments spring up as to how and why they have no home.
And also people see helping them as an 'either or', when there are so many worthy causes to try and support.
I keep banging on about compassion and kindness on here (and elsewhere)
If one keeps alight in one's heart a spirit of love for one's fellow man and a sensitivity to suffering, one will try to do what one can, and not question the eligibility on the part of the recipients.
Some may specialise in helping animals, the Third World, the old, those in prison. No one group has priority over another, and no-one can be doing everything for everyone.