The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80628   Message #3898619
Posted By: Helen
10-Jan-18 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: Meaning: With the girls be handy?
Subject: RE: Meaning: With the girls be handy?
Well Guest, the line with the word "handy" does not especially fit the contextual meaning of the lyrics or that particular verse, however it does rhyme with Dandy, so maybe it was just put in there because the lyricist could not find a better phrase ending with a word rhyming with Dandy.

Other poets have scrabbled for rhyming words and had to make do with a line which was suboptimal. Better poets may more often arrive at beautifully crafted solutions but this song appears to have been written for a more popular audience as a tool to mock the Yankee Dandies.

Who can say?

If it gives an anonymous guest a laugh, perhaps it has achieved its purpose.
